Law Office of Jon R. Disrud


San Antonio Courts-Martial Defense Lawyer

Defending Service Members Worldwide

San Antonio courts-martial defense attorney Jon Disrud is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. He was a judge advocate when he was on active duty and has considerable experience with court-martial proceedings. He represents service members from all branches of the service, whether they reside in Texas or anywhere in the world.

Representation For All Criminal Charges

His years as a judge advocate provided him with extensive experience in military criminal proceedings and court-martial trials.

We represent U.S. military service members in the following actions:

  • Administrative actions and separations
  • Board of correction and military record appeals
  • Criminal actions
  • Article 32 proceedings
  • Article 15 proceedings
  • Summary courts-martial
  • Special courts-martial
  • General courts-martial

In addition, we can help you with post-trial actions, including the appeal of a courts-martial decision.

Why Hire A Lawyer If One Will Be Provided By The Military?

While you will be provided representation through the military, you are also allowed to hire a civilian lawyer. When the consequences are this severe, you need the strongest possible defense on your side.

Call To Discuss Your Case In A Free Initial Consultation

For a free initial consultation with our courts-martial defense attorney, please call 210-569-0581 or contact us online today.