4 Tips On Improving Your Relationship With The Other Parent
As more courts move towards co-parenting, parents can reduce the risks of
issues arising by learning how to improve their relationship.
When a romantic relationship falls apart, people in San Antonio may have
bitter feelings towards the ex-partner. USA Today points out that the
long-established rule of assigning
child custody is being slowly replaced with the
concept of co-parenting. Courts and lawmakers are starting to recognize the
importance of both parents in a child’s life and as such, are making policy
changes that give both parents equal opportunity to maintain and develop a
relationship with their children. This can be tough for parents to embrace,
especially if they don’t get along but there are ways that they can improve
their relationship with the other parent for the sake of the children.
1. Treat it as a business relationship
It is important for parents to remember that they will always be connected
to the ex-partner through the children they share. This means they will see
each other at important events in their children’s lives such as
graduations, weddings, births of grandchildren and christenings. One tip
that people may find helpful is to approach the parenting relationship more
like a business relationship, according to HelpGuide.org. This means
personal feelings and old issues should be placed to the side and replaced
with the object of raising well-adjusted children.
2. Learn reflective listening
One of the biggest complaints that people have concerns listening. It is
easy for people to feel that their side is not being heard and this can lead
to unnecessary disputes and legal battles. The
Family Academy states that learning reflective listening skills can help
people communicate more effectively with the other parent. For example,
instead of directing language that focuses on “you,” people should keep the
focus on themselves by saying “I.” This keeps the other parent from feeling
attacked and lets people express their thoughts or show that they are aware
of the other parent’s feelings.
3. Admit mistakes
When children do something wrong, parents often tell them that it is better
to own up to the mistake rather than trying to hide it. This is the same
case when it comes to co-parenting relationships. If a parent knows that he
or she violated a rule or allowed a child to do something without the
knowledge or consent of the other parent, that parent should admit the
error. This can prevent small issues from getting blown out of proportion.
4. Don’t ignore a conflict
Parents are going to disagree over things and it is important that they
address the conflict at that time rather than try to ignore it. For example,
if one parent thinks it should be okay for the child to stay overnight at a
friend’s house and the other parent disagrees, the parents should discuss
their concerns and points until they can come to a decision that will
satisfy both parties. Mediation can also be used in situations where the
parents are unable to sit down with one another and talk in a rational
Raising a child with an ex-partner can be filled with challenges. When
people in Texas have questions over their legal rights, they may want to sit
down with a family attorney to discuss their concerns.