What is estate planning and why should you care about it?

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2023 | Estate Planning

Despite what you might think, estate planning is not just for rich people who have a significant number of assets. 

Where you have possessions, you have an estate and you should be thinking about what you want to happen to it after you pass away. 

What is estate planning? 

While it may sound like a complicated process, it’s actually quite simple. The main aspect of estate planning is the process of getting down in writing what you want to happen to your belongings after you pass away. It usually involves administrative procedures such as drafting a will and power of attorney. 

Why do you need to plan your estate? 

One of the main reasons people go through the estate planning process is to ease the burden on their loved ones when they pass away. It makes sure your intentions are honored and that your treasured possessions go to whoever you want without issue. This can also reduce the risk of family rifts or disagreements caused by family members arguing over what to do with your belongings.  

Life can be unpredictable and illness or injury may affect your health and capacity to look after yourself. Having a power of attorney in place before you need it makes good sense. It means that you have a person, or persons, ready to look out for you and your best interests if the time comes you’re no longer in a position to do this. 

Your will can also make sure that any young children you have are looked after in the way you approve by appointing legal guardians. 

It’s never too early to think about planning your estate. Find out the right steps to take for your personal situation and make sure your family knows exactly what your wishes are.