Parenting, especially following a contested divorce, is never a walk in the park. However, as parents, it is extremely important that you make your child your top priority. If you have recently divorced, it is important that you work out a co-parenting plan that will work for everyone.
However, effective co-parenting does not just happen out of the blue. You have to actively pursue it. Here are two tips that can help you come up with an effective post-divorce co-parenting plan that puts the best interest of your child at the forefront.
Learn the art of cooperating with your co-parent
You do not have to be best friends with your ex to co-parent successfully. Even if you cannot stand your ex, it is important that you come up with a work plan that focuses on your child’s best interest.
To foster the spirit of cooperation, consider discussing the aspirations you have for your child so you can be on the same page as far as your child’s well-being is concerned. Think of it as a work project that requires you and your spouse’s input to accomplish.
Keep your child out of your differences
From money matters to changes in personal preferences, conflicts are bound to happen even after the divorce is finalized. Perhaps your ex is not paying alimony and child support on time or they are not keen to follow through with the visitation schedules.
Lashing out at your ex, especially in the presence of the child can greatly hurt your co-parenting efforts. If you have a problem with your ex, consider handling it in the absence of the child.
Managing children after the divorce, especially if parents are not seeing eye-to-eye can be difficult. Find out how you can create a co-parenting plan that takes your child’s best interest into account after your divorce.